Proud of Being from Russia
“Russia is a totally fantastic and fine country to live in. I’m very proud that I’m from Russia, but there I didn’t have a life’s partner.”
This is what Tatiana Galkina says, one of many Russian women who have come to Norway to marry a Norwegian man.
For Tatiana the transition was great; from a city of a million people she moved to the Ringebu municipality with fewer than five thousand residents.
“That was different. But it went well because I like nature and walking outdoors.
She was born and raised in the large city of Volgograd and has studied in St. Petersburg for a degree in engineering. She came to Ringebu from Murmansk where she worked as a translator and also taught Swedish.
She feels her introduction to Norway went well and says she’s impressed that both the police and staff at the Norwegian Population Register were polite and helpful.
“People are nice and polite in Norway, and they smile. It’s different in Russia. Many there are stressed and don’t have time to smile.”
But one thing is difficult: the language. “My husband has many friends who I also know. The only problem was that they spoke with the Ringebu dialect. I thought it was difficult to understand. The consolation was that they understood what I said.”
In Ringebu Tatiana has a more peaceful life than before. She has worked at the Adult Learning Center and been a hostess for tourists, but works much less than she did in Russia.
Longing for home? “No, I’m so often in Russia. Now and then I miss my female friends, but I talk to them often on Skype.”
And what about the future? “ I’ll be in Norway if all goes well with my marriage. We’ll live in Ringebu our whole lives!”